
2015年01月31日龜山 烤肉食材 22:20

竹北火鍋推薦 平價



「亞洲唱跳天王」潘瑋柏(潘帥)歷經爆頭意外,蘊藏101天能量, 31日晚間重披黃金戰袍、戴黃金眼罩登上台北小巨蛋,舉辦「伊殿園 王者歸來」演唱會。他在《伊甸園》時攀上鐵籠,還上演高空懸吊俯衝觀眾,讓歌迷歎為觀止。除了好兄弟羅志祥的驚喜現身外,蔡依林也擔任嘉賓,跟他熱唱2首歌曲。



潘瑋柏長年耕耘華語舞曲,在演唱會裡面還安排了一段向華語唱跳界致敬的單元,一連演唱小虎隊《青蘋果綠園》、林志穎《不是每個戀曲都有美好回憶》、杜德偉《拯救地球》、L.A. BOYZ的《跳》、黃立行《音浪》、王力宏《蓋世英雄》、羅百吉《蘇偉在哪裡》。

隨後潘瑋柏演唱好友蔡依林的《大藝術家》,本尊更穿金色Bra擠出G奶現身合唱,讓全場HIGH翻,兩人還一起唱跳《呸》展現好默契,最後的Ending Pose潘瑋柏還調皮地作勢要強吻蔡依林。潘瑋柏坦言因傷取消的那場演唱會,嘉賓其實也是蔡依林,還逼問撞破頭的當下蔡依林是否有紅眼眶,對方則回答「當下是擔心多於害怕。」

蔡依林也在台上爆料,第1次碰到潘瑋柏的時候,心裡就覺得「這男生好帥,很喜歡這樣開朗陽光的男生。」潘瑋柏則笑說「我也很喜歡你這種大眼睛的女生。」還爆料兩人第1次約會在餐廳,當時還有電燈泡江美琪。隨後還大玩面具哏,打算拿錦榮的面具嚇蔡依林,沒想到2次都是碧昂絲,遭工作人員反整。潘瑋柏原先擔心提錦榮蔡依林會生氣,沒想到卻被對方逼問,「那你女朋友咧?」還在台上爆料每次跟潘瑋柏碰面,只要談起女友都三緘其口,讓蔡依林忍不住虧他「燒烤推薦 竹北我覺得你沒有把我當朋友,所以不跟我說!」日本火鍋料宅配


(中央社記者鄭景雯台北5日電)政黨輪替後,政治因素導致陸客來台人數下降,公益平台文化基金會董事長嚴長壽認為這是危機也是轉機,建議政府可開放香港、台東直飛,認為台灣應「看到自己優點、重新包裝」。 嚴長麻辣火鍋 竹北壽今天舉行「在世界地圖上找到自己」新書發表會,他表示,當看到世界變化,但台灣卻走向僵化且看不到未來的迷霧當中,「台灣最大問題,我們困頓在政治糾葛中,都在追究過去的事情,但沒有往前看的目標」。 嚴長壽先是從教育體系談起,認為技職學校老師為了要升等,原本可以教技術的老師,最後可能變成三流的學術化教授,大學最後變成討好學生而不是做學問的地方。 提及兩岸問題,嚴長壽認為政府觀念的改變很重要,尤其當現在政府提南進政策,早在20年前就有,「但根本不應該說,一旦說南進,就是和大陸說我不和你做朋友」。 陸客也因政黨輪替關係,來台人數逐漸減少,嚴長壽倒是建議政府應該開放香港、台東直飛,讓香港人可短時間內到台東旅遊,甚至在台東租辦公室,一邊工作一邊旅遊,也能吸引一些住在香港的歐美人士來台,他認為台灣應「看到自己優點、重新包裝」。1060105


CONFLICT OF INTEREST? One of the members of a committee investigating the NTU president is said to be a coauthor; another is a college dean he appointedBy Sean Lin / Staff reporterAcademics yesterday questioned the integrity of a committee tasked with investigating allegations National Taiwan University (NTU) president Yang Pan-chyr (楊泮池) was involved in cowriting forged scientific papers.Quoting NTU secretary-general Lin Ta-te (林達德), who said the five-member investigation committee includes two faculty members at the university, attorney Hsu Wen-hua (許文華) said that the two members are likely to be College of Life Sciences dean Min Ming-yuan (閔明源) and College of Medicine dean Chang Shan-chwen (張上淳).“Assuming I am right, these two men are not suited to serve on the committee,” Hsu said, citing an NTU rule governing cases involving suspected breach of academic ethics, which states the selection of investigation committee members should not constitute a conflict of interest.Chang and Yang cowrote five scientific papers between 2003 and 2006, for which Chang was either listed as the first author or corresponding author, while Yang was listed as the corresponding author on some accounts, he said.Min was appointed acting dean by Yang when NTU professor Kuo Min-liang (郭明良) — with whom Yang coauthored four problematic articles that are now being investigated by the committee — assumed the post of Kaohsiung Medical University vice president, Hsu said.Yang later chose Min over another university professor to fill the post of College of Life Sciences dean, Hsu said.Hsu also raised doubts about why Yang was able to tell the media the constitution of the committee, which included two NTU faculty members and three Academia Sinica members, saying that Yang could have rigged the appointment of committee members.NTU should have sent the papers in question to the journals that published them for verification, and at least one other established and objective third-party academic for review to ensure the investigation’s credibility, he said.Saying that Kuo retracted his paper from the Journal of Biological Chemistry last month after the academic fraud scandal erupted, NTU professor of psychology Huang Kwang-kuo (黃光國) accused Kuo of lying when he said he was innocent at a news conference on Dec. 20.Kuo filed a request to pull the paper, which was found by the journal to contain forged results shown in six duplicated images, on Dec. 7, and on Dec. 30, the journal issued a statement that it had been retracted, Huang said.Huang asked why Kuo had not repaid Yen Men-luh (嚴孟祿), a physician at National Taiwan University Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NT$6.73 million (US$208,617) Yen claimed to have lent Kuo between 2002 and 2014 to help Kuo pay a mortgage, referencing another academic scandal that broke last month, in which Kuo allegedly took the money in exchange for Yen to be listed as coauthor on 11 papers by his research team.He also called into question why Kuo had never mentioned the debt during his tenure as a then-National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology) official, even though he was required by law to declare his personal wealth.Liu Yuan-chun (劉源俊), president of the Chinese-language Science Monthly, said that the academia puts too much emphasis on the number of citations an academic receives when promoting professors, which has tempted many professors to use their connections for them to be listed as coauthors or forge research findings to boost the number of their publications.In response, the university reiterated that the committee is run in an objective manner.The two colleges have met several times to review the papers, and the investigation results are to be submitted to an evaluation committee and an ad hoc committee for review on Friday next week, it said.The evaluation committee will be headed by NTU vice president Chang Ching-ray (張慶瑞) and will operate independently, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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